Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Evening Weather and the Garden

In the evening when the sun goes down behind the houses, it still stays light for quite some time. A little breeze comes up. Right now, there are a ton of kids playing in the common area, and up until about 10 minutes ago, I could hear the sound of a tennis game going on. I'm sitting outside admiring my little seedlings that I planted last week. The only ones that didn't sprout thus far are the celery - I think because they need cold weather - so I've brought those into the air conditioned house for more appropriate temperatures. UPDATE: the celery is sprouting!! It only needed colder air, so I have it inside!

Beyond picking up Pablo, I'm looking forward to meeting the gardener on Tuesday. I was able to buy some supplies this weekend, but I'd like to see the yard get into some sort of shape. I have three different pink or white impatients in the yard, and they will go nicely into a pot instead of in their current random place. I'm abandoning the peanuts, though for a moment I contemplated that if I also got a banana tree, I've got all the makings for a peanut butter and banana sandwich. I also have random palms and lilies just sitting around the yard in strange places, so those need to be organized a little better, and then finally (gulp) I think I'm ditching a tree.

The tree doesn't bear any fruit, and since there are papaya, mango, and banana trees, I think I'd prefer getting one of them in its place. Perhaps I can move it to the side yard. I'm struggling with just knocking it down. Anyway, I plan on having some before and after pictures. Hopefully after three years of growing, I'll have developed a bit of a yard.

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