Sunday, May 5, 2013

Fried Greek Salad

We just had dinner at Nathan and Kate's house, and since we were making fish and chips anyway, we decided to batter some of our veggie skewers and Greek salad and toss it into the frier (without the Feta)... This tastes like Greek tempura, and if you dare, it's DELICIOUS. Today, I wokeup around 6:30 and went down to the pool and swam for about 25 minutes - fly was surprisingly easy for not doing it in years, and then I took a nap. Rough morning! This place (our neighborhood) reminds me a lot of Crescent... Everyone watches each others' kids, there is always a game of tennis going, swim meets abound at the international schools, and all we need are Friday Foot Races for the kids, and it would be summer all the time. Getting up at 3:50 tomorrow, so it's bed time. ciao.. We are happy to be here.

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