Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Weekend in Windhoek - A Series!

Paul and I spent the long weekend holiday in Windhoek, Namibia a few weeks ago.

I'm going to break this up a bit, since I started writing and realized I was putting myself to sleep with the length of the post (bad sign).

To prevent any of you from dozing off on your keyboard and the subsequent indents in your cheeks (cute), I'm going to throw a few chapters together to get through this. I'll hyperlink as I develop the topics.

Windhoek Weekend Series Topics
A Weekend in Windhoek - Getting There (or anywhere out of Luanda Airport for that matter!)
The Driver and the Navigator and The Historian - Why is that street named after Castro?
The Olive: Serenity on a Friday Night
Restaurants Reviewed
Goche Ganans - Ever seen a zebra jump in front of your car? We have.
Hanging with the Luanda Crowd
Getting Home - Customs, oh how I love you.

Short on Time or interest? Try the summary of these posts - A Weekend in Windhoek - The Short Version. Just a warning, the pictures are sort of lame, and the post was done while we are on the road, so it's fine, but it's not well-put together.

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