Sunday, December 15, 2013


Paul and I arrived in Munich around 12:30, and we successfully made it to the hotel, which has the BEST Christmas spirit to it, then stepped out for a bite to eat at Ayinger's, pub. More to come on the Chrstmas feeling at the hotel.. I will share pictures. Below is the bread basket that comes with one's drink. Not sure how people aren't all just rolling themselves out of every restaurant everyday.

We both had soup first - mine was a creme of horseradish with teeny chunks of beef and chives, and Paul had creme of potato soup... Wow sehr gutte! Then I had a Parmesan crusted pork cutlet with a light brown gravy and cranberry sauce, married with little two bacon stuffed pommes dauphinois, and some broccoli and yummy spiced apple, cabbage, and beets. Paul had an amazing veal schnitzel.

We came back for a nap today, then headed out to the Christmas Market that was recommended by the front desk - it was not the touristy one, which would have driven Paul and me a little bonkers, but truly, we felt like we were the only two foreigners in the market. It was off the beaten path in a platz, which turned out to be the royal residenz. The booths included all sorts of yumminess... French fries with mayo and spicy sauce, gluhweine, frankfurters, waffles, creeps, eggnog, etc. wow...yum.

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