Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Garden is Kicking Butt!

The garden has become my new favorite hobby. We have been able to pick a ton of beans and peas, and now the tomatoes are starting to go crazy. I'm really bummed that this is my first garden because 1. I wish that I had started sooner; it's so much fun! and 2. Anyone can grow anything in Angola, so I'm thinking that it's all up hill from here!

We just pulled out the bean stalks this week because they were getting a little gnarly. Paul is pushing for more tomatoes anyway, so we will plan for a wall of tomatoes, strategically placed in a manner that gives us year-round output (one can only hope!).

My other new favorite hobby is taking pictures. I just picked up two lenses, which Paul will bring back from Houston. We are headed out on Safari soon, and these are going to help with the wide angle and long distance pictures. More to come on that!

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