Sunday, June 30, 2013

Anniversary Garden Harvest and Dinner

Yesterday, I harvested the veggies from the garden - I figured it was worth using some of them for our Anniversary Dinner... the carrots are a little funny looking because they were kept in their seedling mesh, and struggled to break through. Also, I think they were planted without weeding out the second or third seedling in the bunch. The beets were looking pretty good though.

My Anniversary Harvest... planted on Paul's birthday, and pulled out of the ground on our first wedding anniversary.

The carrots... little freaks. But they tasted quite good. I'm getting tired of green beans, and they are taking up some nice real estate for tomatoes which is a much more popular item in our household

Paul and I decided to celebrate our anniversary at home. And I was insistent on using SOMETHING from the garden in the meal... so I used the beet leaves. Delicious.

After hanging out in the garden most of the day, and sleeping on the couch for a bit, I decided it was time for us to get our act together and make some yummy celebration food. I prepped a bunch of stuff, and at some point realized that I should probably wear something other than the jeans and t-shirt that I had sported in the garden all day. Maybe do my hair or something...

So off to fancy up a bit, then back to put the final touches on the meal. Funny.I think Paul might get a kick out of me being in the kitchen with a dress on.



  • Martini Rosso on ice with lemon (ask for a Martini in Angola, and this is what you will receive. Love it.)


  • Sauteed scallops on a bed of wilted/sauteed beet greens with garlic topped with feta


  • Pan seared oven baked filet mignon topped with garlic dill butter


  • Grilled mesquite sausage
  • Greek potatoes slow roasted in lemon, olive oil, oregano

Dinner Drinks:

  • Some Reserva wine from the Alenteijo
  • Cuca for Pablo

After Party - Headed over to the Carroll's house to play a little pool and Trivial Pursuit

I'm so very glad that we packed a bunch of meat and other treats (scallops) when we came over here. These were the first test of the frozen scallops that we purchased, and they were awesome.

This was also the first time we were using the dining room table, which tells me that it's about time to have a party!! Next weekend, perhaps!

Paul very thoughtfully brought over the pictures from our wedding and put them on the table. And we enjoyed the delicious meal talking about the wedding and how great a time it was. Everyone in that picture looks perfect - happy, proud, and having a great time.

Here's Paul with our family wedding pic... and the delicious meal is below.  What a happy day.

Great team work... Paul was responsible for the meat, I did the potatoes and the scallops. Thank goodness I had some beet greens, otherwise this is not very fibrous fare. :-)

All in all a great way to celebrate a first anniversary. Anniversary beijinhos!


  1. Happy Anniversary, Paul & K.C. -- I wish we were there to celebrate with you. One year has gone by so quickly. K.C., you look just as radiant cooking dinner in your kitchen in your beautiful dress as you did at your wedding. Your dinner looks delicious. You are quite the gardener, K.C. Maybe you could come visit in person to provide some intensive gardening advice. Thank you for your beautiful card, we received it today. Miss you!!

  2. Happy anniversary guys. Cant believe its been a year since your awesome wedding.
